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QPlease suggest a suitable brand to buy a motherboard. Also, please suggest websites from where I can download movies for free.

AWe usually recommend Intel's range of products for their after-sales support. However, buying a motherboard depends on what your requirements are.

There is no website in general which will host movie files, and that too for free. The amount of storage and bandwidth required would be impossible to sustain. You can try the P2P software to download movies. However, do note that this constitutes as piracy and is punishable by law.

QI have a big LaCie Raid and I can easily access it through my iMacs and MacBooks through 'connect to server' option. But I am unable to connect it through my Linux computers. I've installed the latest Ubuntu desktop (Jaunty Jackalope) and followed every step in the manual but was still unable to connect.

AHave you have tried the simple Wicd package? Wicd is an open source wired and wireless network manager for Linux which aims to provide a simple interface to connect to networks with a wide variety of settings.

Installing Wicd in Ubuntu is very simple. You just have to add the Wicd repository to the Ubuntu package manager. To open the package manager in Gnome, go to Administration and then Synaptic Package Manager. When it appears, go to Settings > Repositories > Third Party Software > Add..., and then enter the following line:

deb http://apt. Your_version_of_Ubuntu extras where Your_Version_Of-Ubuntu is your version of Ubuntu in lowercase (dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy, hardy, etc). Then click Reload, and wait while the package lists are downloaded. Now, search for 'Wicd', and right-click on it. Select Install, then press Apply, and Wicd will automatically be downloaded and installed for you. This might work.

I do wish you had specified what packages have you tried to use to connect with the RAID. Usually it's much easier. You just connect the cable, and go.

QIs there a laptop in the market which ranges between 10 to 15 thousand rupees? Also, is there a genuine website that provides data entry work that can be done from home and pays well — after one has deposited a certain amount of money?

ATo the best of my knowledge there is no laptop in the market within the range you've specified. You can ask around, however. If you’re lucky you might get at best a second-hand P4 for the price, but you definitely won't get a new laptop within it. Even the netbooks cost around Rs25,000.

Any website that purports taking money before they'll give you projects is a scam! General rule of thumb: you should never pay for a job. You certainly wouldn't pay to work out in the real world, so why should you online? This is why you should steer clear of data entry and type from home sites that flood the net claiming to offer loads of cash for very little work. If that were true we'd all be doing it.

Always Google the site's credibility before you sign up to a programme. Also ensure they have a listed number which you can call for information. Most scam sites only have email.

There are ways of making money online, but there's no 'Get Rich Quick' scheme out there. Pakistan too has some great examples of bloggers, e-tail stores, e-businesses, BPO companies, all of whom are making money through online work. However, they all got there through sheer hard work and determination.

QHow I can block porn sites? Is there any free software or any other option?

AThe easiest and trouble-free way to block porn sites is to use OpenDNS. It's free, and works without any installation. You will need some know-how regarding networking, but it's very easy to learn and video tutorials are also available on site. Please visit for more information.

You can also use free software named K9 Web Protection ( or Safe Families (

If you are an advanced user, you can try dansguardian (, or SafeSquid (, which are content-filtering internet proxies (they require separate machine acting as a gateway) with manageable policies. Dansguardian is GPLed (free) and SafeSquid is free only for networks with less than 20 computers. However, it is a complex solution (filtering is one of many features). There is also a lot of good software online which you can try. You can download CyberPatrol, NetNanny or NetDog from

QPlease suggest a suitable motherboard and Ram for Intel Core i7 processor. Is the i7 extreme edition available in Pakistan?

AThe answer depends on what you want to do. If you're an extreme gamer than there's nothing quite like an i7 920 with an XFX X58i Mobo. However, if you don't want state-of-the-art and can live life with less than photo-realism, then try the XFX 750I or nForce 760S motherboards. For Ram, try 6GB (if your motherboard supports it) with the Corsair DDR3 Ram. However, even 2GB is enough if you're not into extreme gaming.

Regarding your second query, I think anything over Core i7 920 is over-kill. It's highly unlikely you'll be using even the full power of the 920, much less the extreme edition. However, if you look around, I'm sure you'll find i7 extreme. Intel did launch the 940 in Pakistan and probably has launched the EE version too.

QI want to use high speed internet connection. I’m using V Wireless PTCL, but the speed is not fast enough. Is it possible to buy a post paid connection of mobile companies? This way, I can use high speed internet through my mobile phone connecting it to the computer via data cable or Bluetooth. If it is feasible, then please explain how it is done.

ABoth Warid and Telenor offer unlimited data packages for Mobile Surfing. So yes, it is quite feasible to use them for surfing. If you have a Nokia phone, you can use PC Suite to quickly connect to the net by using your phone as a modem. Call up your operator's call centre and they'll send you the settings specific for your phone.

Now the downside: firstly, if you have a prepaid connection, you'll have to change your connection to postpaid. To the best of my knowledge, no operator gives unlimited data packages on a prepaid connection.

In my opinion, in anycase you'll be paying a higher rate for a lower speed. If you don't want a DSL connection, then a better option would be to try a Wi-Max connection like Mobilink Infinity, Worldcall's EVDO or Wateen.

QIs it possible to change the song played in the background of WindowsXP SP 2 (when it starts) to an MP3 or WMA file?

AFind a song or sound sample that you would like to use as your startup sound. Copy it to a place you can easily access. You are only able to use Wav files, though other formats can be converted easily through software like 'Audacity' (

Find an MP3 of a song you like and load it into Audacity. I can't really go into a detailed tutorial of how to use the programme, but it is easy. Mostly drag and drop. Find a segment of the song which you like and crop out the rest, making it roughly the length of your computers startup.

You can do things like fade in/fade out effects or chop and change various parts of the song, so all you listen to each morning is the parts you really enjoy. Thirty seconds can be enough time for an intro, a verse and a chorus depending on the type of music you listen to.

Once you have done this, export the file to Wav format and copy it to the 'C:\Windows\Media' folder. After this, click-open your Control Panel and click on 'Sounds and audio devices'. Go into the 'Sounds' Tab. Then scroll down to 'Start Windows' and click 'Browse'. Select the file you have just changed. You can test it by pressing the play button to make sure you have the right one.

The final step is to test out your new creation. Restart your computer and see how it all sounds and if it is the correct length.